MANGO TREE ADVENTURE Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Company”) implements the following privacy policy in order to protect users’ personal information and rights in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act and to solve problems related to personal information protection.

Article 1 (Purpose of personal information collection)

① The company collects users' personal information for the following purposes. The collected information is not used for purposes other than those specified below, and if the purpose of use is changed, necessary measures are taken to obtain the user's separate consent in accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.
A. Purpose of providing services for business introduction and progress
It is used for the purpose of preventing improper use of the service, sending notices and identifying users who have requested the service.
B. For general business management purposes
Personal information is used for the purpose of contacting, surveying and notification of results.
C. Purpose of providing goods or services
Personal information is used for the purpose of providing services and contents and providing optimized services.
D. marketing and advertising purposes
Personal information is used for the purpose of developing new services (or products), providing optimized services, delivering event and advertising news, and providing opportunities to participate in events.

Article 2 (Period of storing and using personal information)

① The company retains personal information for 5 years from the time the user consents to the collection and use of personal information, and deletes the personal information after 5 years unless the relevant laws and regulations specify otherwise. If the relevant laws and regulations stipulate otherwise, the company will keep personal information for the period specified in the relevant laws and regulations. If there is a request for deletion during the personal information storage period, the information will be deleted within 10 days from the date of request.

Article 3 (Provision of personal information to third parties)

① In principle, the company uses the user's personal information within the scope of the above purpose, and does not use the user's personal information for other purposes or provide it to a third party without the user's prior consent, except for the following cases.
- When separate consent is obtained from the user
- In case there are other specific laws and regulations other than the Personal Information Protection Act
- If personal information is required for purposes such as statistics or scientific research, and the personal information is provided in a form in which specific personal identification is not possible
- When personal information is necessary for the immediate benefit of the life, body, or property of the user or a third party, and it is difficult to obtain the user's prior consent because the user or his or her legal representative is unable to express his/her intention or does not know the address

Article 4 (User Rights and How to Exercise Rights)

① Users can exercise the following rights, and can request to view, modify, delete, or stop using personal information. In addition, when a user requests to modify or delete personal information or to stop using it, confirmation of processing of such request is notified within 10 days from the date of receipt of the request or before the request is processed, and the use and provision of personal information limited
1. Request to view personal information
Users may request access to their personal information in accordance with Article 35 (Access to Personal Information) of the Personal Information Protection Act. However, such access may be restricted under section 35(5) of the Act.
2. Modification or deletion requests
If a request for correction or deletion is sent to the person in charge of personal information management of the company via e-mail or phone, the company will process it within 10 days from the date of receipt of the request.
3. Deprecation request
If a request to stop using personal information is sent to the person in charge of personal information management of the company via e-mail or phone, the company will process it within 10 days from the date of receipt of the request.
② When a user makes a request under Article 4 (1) to exercise his or her rights, the company processes the request when the request is sent to the person in charge of personal information management via e-mail or phone.
③ If a user requests correction or deletion due to an error in his or her personal information, the company will not use or provide the personal information until the error is corrected or deleted.
④ The exercise of rights pursuant to Article 4 (1) can be done through an agent such as a legal representative or a trustee, and in this case, a power of attorney must be submitted as specified in Attached Table 11 of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Protection Act.

Article 5 (Consignment of personal information management)

① The company entrusts the following tasks related to personal information management:
consignment work : Website server management / website hosting

Article 6 (Indication of items of personal information used)

① The company uses the following personal information items.
1. Required items: email, name, company name, country, company size, number of products required, technology platform currently used in relation to the product, IP address, device ID, website access information (e.g. session log)
2. Optional items: mobile phone number or other phone number, designation
3. Collection Method: Website
4. Reason for storage: Take necessary measures such as obtaining prior consent in accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.
5. Storage period: 5 years
6. Relevant Laws: Records on Collection, Processing and Use of Credit Information - 3 years, records of consumer complaints or resolved issues - 3 years
② Service registration path
1. Company product introduction -> Free trial product

Article 7 (Personal information deletion procedure and method)

① In principle, the company deletes personal information for which the purpose of use has been achieved. The deletion procedure, deadline and method are as follows.
1. Deletion procedure
The information for which the purpose of use has been achieved is transferred to a separate database (or a separate file in the case of paper documents), stored for a certain period of time in accordance with internal policies and other related laws, and then destroyed. In this case, personal information transmitted to a separate database will not be used for any other purpose except as required by law.
2 Deletion deadline
User's personal information is deleted within 5 days from the expiration of the retention period. If personal information becomes unnecessary because the purpose of use is achieved or related services or tasks are terminated, the information is deleted within 5 days from the date it is recognized as unnecessary.
3. How to delete
Information in electronic file format is deleted using technical methods so that it cannot be recovered, and printed information is destroyed by shredding or incineration.

Article 8 (Collection and Rejection of Information through Cookies)

① The company's website uses cookies to collect and store personal information. A cookie is a small text file that a website transfers to your computer browser. Cookies recognize the user's computer, but do not recognize the individual user.
② Users have the right to accept or reject cookies. Users can choose to accept all cookies, request notification when cookies are installed, or refuse to install all cookies. For details, refer to the help window of your internet browser.

Article 9 (Guarantee of Safe Management of Personal Information)

① The company takes technical/administrative/physical measures to ensure safe management of personal information in accordance with Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act.
1. Conduct regular self-inspection
In order to ensure safe management of personal information, self-inspection is conducted regularly (once a year).
2. Minimize the number of staff handling personal information and training programs.
The company appoints an employee who handles personal information, and limits the number of people to a specific person in charge so that personal information can be managed under controlled conditions.
3. Establishment and implementation of internal management plan
The company implements an internal management plan to ensure safe management of personal information.
4. Restriction of access to personal information
The company takes necessary measures to limit access to personal information by granting, modifying, or revoking access rights to the database system that processes personal information. In addition, the company uses a firewall to control unauthorized external access to personal information.
5. Restriction of access by unauthorized persons
A separate physical space is prepared to store personal information, and procedures for restricting access are implemented and operated.

Article 10 (person in charge of personal information management and request for access)

① The company appoints a person in charge of overall management of personal information and handling civil complaints and issues related to personal information processing as follows.
▶ Person in charge of personal information management
Name: Jeffrey Han
Department: Global Marketing
Email: [email protected]

Article 11 (Infringement of Rights and Interests and Resolution)

① If the company has improperly managed personal information, or if you are dissatisfied with the company's problem solving and want to file a complaint, or if you want more detailed information, please contact us at the contact information below.
▶ Personal information infringement report center (operated by Korea Internet & Security Agency)
- Relevant Issues: Personal Information Infringement Report, Consultation Request
- Website:
- Phone number: (no area code) 118
- Address: Korea Internet & Security Agency Personal Information Infringement Report Center (135 Jungdae-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul (138-950))
▶ Personal Information Dispute Resolution Committee (operated by Korea Internet & Security Agency)
- Relevant matters: request for dispute resolution related to personal information, collective dispute resolution (civil case resolution)
- Website:
- Phone number: (no area code) 118
- Address: Korea Internet & Security Agency Personal Information Infringement Report Center (135 Jungdae-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul (138-950))
▶Supreme Prosecutor’s Office Cyber Crime Investigation Team: 02-3480-3573 (
▶ National Police Agency Cyber Crime Investigation Team: 1566-0112 (

Article 12 (Change of Privacy Policy)

① This privacy policy is effective from the enforcement date, and if it is added, deleted, or modified according to related laws and/or internal policies, the change will be notified 7 days before the change takes effect.
② Notification date: December 7, 2016 / Effective date: 2016